Application Controls

Certain objects may be assigned to perform special Application functions, under DSP Block Type in the Data Attributes tab of the Property Sheet.

This includes Button, Toggle Button and Hotspot Controls.

Button Application Controls

Button controls may be assigned the following types of Application functions:



Full Screen

selects a full-screen view of the Control Surface

Can be selected to be automatic, in the Property Sheet of the Surface, or in the Auto Connect settings.

Full Window

selects a minimizable window view of the control surface.

Can be selected to be automatic, in the Property Sheet of the Surface, or in the Auto Connect settings.

Start System Audio

allows audio signals to be un-muted for the entire system being controlled.

Stop System Audio

allows audio signals to be muted for the entire system being controlled.

Start Partition Audio

allows audio signals to be un-muted for the specified Partition being controlled. An available Partition Identifier from the Tesira layout file must be specified.

Stop Partition Audio

allows audio signals to be muted for the specified Partition being controlled. An available Partition Identifier from the Tesira layout file must be specified.

User Login

allows a user to be specified and authenticated using configured User account credentials. Performs the same functions as Login/Logout in the System Menu.

User Logout

Logs the current user out of the control session. Subsequent users will be required to login. Performs the same functions as Login/Logout in the System Menu.

Disconnect from System

When online to a Tesira system disconnecting ends the current control session.


disconnects the current control session and exits the Biamp Canvas program.

Open Popups

allows a specified group of otherwise hidden Popup Controls to be revealed.

Close Popups

allows a specified group of displayed Popup Controls to be hidden.

Open External File

allows an external file to be opened on the local PC. The external file can be in any format, and will open in its native application as if you double-clicked on it in Windows.

Update Preset

allows a preset to be saved using the current values of the blocks included in the preset. This will also update the settings in the associated Tesira layout file.



Toggle Button Application Controls

Toggle Button controls may be assigned the following types of Application functions:




Ganging Controls

allows controls in a common Gang Group to be ganged or un-ganged.




Hotspot Application Controls

Hotspot controls may be assigned the following types of Application functions:



Full Screen

selects a full-screen view of the Control Surface

Can be selected to be automatic, in the Property Sheet of the Surface, or in the Auto Connect settings.

Full Window

selects a minimizable window view of the control surface.

Can be selected to be automatic, in the Property Sheet of the Surface, or in the Auto Connect settings.

Change Page

changes to the specified control Page. Similar to the Paging function. Review the Adding Control Pages section for more details.

Start System Audio

allows audio signals to be un-muted for the entire system being controlled.

Stop System Audio

allows audio signals to be muted for the entire system being controlled.

Start Partition Audio

allows audio signals to be un-muted for the specified Partition being controlled. An available Partition Identifier from the Tesira layout file must be specified.

Stop Partition Audio

allows audio signals to be muted for the specified Partition being controlled. An available Partition Identifier from the Tesira layout file must be specified.

User Login

allows a user to be specified and authenticated using configured User account credentials. Performs the same functions as Login/Logout in the System Menu.

User Logout

Logs the current user out of the control session. Subsequent users will be required to login. Performs the same functions as Login/Logout in the System Menu.

Disconnect from System

When online to a Tesira system disconnecting ends the current control session.


disconnects the current control session and exits the Biamp Canvas program.

Open Popups

allows a specified group of otherwise hidden Popup Controls to be revealed.

Close Popups

allows a specified group of displayed Popup Controls to be hidden.

Open External File

allows an external file to be opened on the local PC. The external file can be in any format, and will open in its native application as if you double-clicked on it in Windows.